Thursday, September 3, 2009

Friday Foto and story

There is at the upper altitudes around here a conifer called a Bristle Cone Pine. It is so named the story goes because its cone has bristles. Bristle cone pines almost died out here because it takes a fire to open the cones and reseed these slow going beauties.

On our Rubicon trips Debbie and I have discovered groves of the conifers that seem to be thriving but I had not until today at 11165 feet seen a bristle cone pine cone. This picture could be my Christmas card this year. I feel so graced to finally see a bristle cone on the tree.


The Blog of Bee said...

I like your line (and the story) that says you feel graced. I think what you have here is a graceful subject which is absolutely ideal for a Christmas card.

Does the air thin when you are so high up?

You really have had some remarkable finds since you've been Rubiconing!

JBinford-Bell said...

I guess the phrase is that the air thins. But there is just as much air but less oxygen in it. Those of us living year round at this altitude are not as aware of it. We have thinner blood with more oxygen in it to compensate.

But flatland touristers definitely feel it.

Bekkieann said...

Yes, it's a perfect Christmas card. I've never heard of this tree, but how pretty it is--both the pine cone and the pine boughs.

heatherbelle said...

Just have to agree...perfect for a Christmas card.

As one who did a bit of climbing in my earlier years I can definitely say I know the symptoms of lack of oxygen in the air. In fact severe headache stopped me from doing one of the higher mountains in New Guinea. I was forced to stay behind while others finished the climb.