This has been an interesting week to say the least. First the van stopped running. For those of you that suggest cash for clunkers let me say it gets too good of gas mileage so off for repairs. Got it home on Thursday but I was much poorer. The good news is I did have the money for the mechanic. Lots of months this winter that would have not been true.
Then I heard that my obligation to Chapter 13 Trustee had been completed early. That means I can replenish the money taken out of meager savings to pay for the car repairs. Then I sold a painting and the gallery sold a painting! Then two more dog sitting jobs. Pet sitting is how I am earning my spending money these days. And the business is building which is good. Now to start saving it for a road trip.
We all need to dream and for the last several months the dream has been to just get past this rough patch. Let me say thank you!
I had three paintings accepted into the Illusions exhibit and my sister had two photographs accepted too.
Yesterday, after spending two days on the computer working on my website, I decided to do something physical and rearranged furniture and went on a dust bunny hunt. If you are going to move things to clean then move them around to someplace new. This new arrangement gives me room for the elliptical trainer in the corner. And I can hide my other exercise toys out of sight there too.
My sister is coming up today and we will be doing some more off-roading so I washed all the mud off my camera cases from the last trip. Such fun! Volatile week with its ups and downs but I think it is ending on an up note.
All good things, so happy for you for this upswing. I'd like to point out that much of this must be attributed to your own hard work and not just luck. It's bad luck that takes us down, but we just keep fighting our way back. Have fun with the sis. I'll be having coffee with my own sisters tomorrow - a bit less muddy I expect. :)
It all seems to balance out. Up and down that's life, how we respond is so critical. It seems like you have a clean slate for the future. Hope the off roading is a blast.RD
The pet sitting sounds like a fabulous idea.
Do you do it at home or in the homes of the owner? I know when I have had to put my cat in a cattery I worry all the time in case they are not as careful as I am. A good sitter would be worth their weight in gold.
It's a good thing we can't see around the corners of life - we'd never get started.
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