One of the assets of a couple years of blogging is a folder of blog images collected from Google Image search to illustrate various blogs. The one above I found for a Travels with Charley blog about kitchen table economics. The economy, the pundits tell us, is getting better. Not that we can prove that point with the economic situation of must of us sitting around kitchen tables.
Summer in the high country has meant lower utility bills and that has made for a bet more flex in the old budget. But I have also been trying to save up for the winter utility bills and a couple of cords of wood for the wood stove. I cannot believe it is August already.
Then my car began acting up. Have been given a few opinions about what might be causing that. But it also needs a brake job before winter too. Did I mention I have been trying to put some cash away for winter? Do you think cars know that?
There is not a lot of time to sit around kitchen tables in the summer. Besides who wants to be inside when the weather is so nice out. Well, mornings. We have been having a run of afternoon and evening rains here. Which means the grass has been growing. When I first moved into this house over a dozen years ago I didn't mow. Then my ex gave me an old mower of his. That was the beginning of the end. I now have a riding mower and a walk behind mower and a weedwacker. Yesterday, I had the last two out neatening up the studio/fur kid yard. The grass keeps getting thicker and more lush. I blame the mowing.
And I have added trees and raised herb/vegetable beds. And this year a flower garden with herbs thrown in. Flowers all by themselves seem so frivolous. But I seem to be especially in love with this new garden spot. Even got out yesterday and weeded it and fussed with the stones around the edge. Still need more to complete it. And the rock garden around the water feature needs more work. One stone at a time I suppose. It is nice to look at from the stoop with a mid morning cup of java in my hands.
Love's Labors.
We all need a garden to look at during our morning coffees, or just a nice place to stare while we are thinking...
I don't have a garden anymore and I so wish I did.
If course cars know that you are trying to save money - that's why they act up when you least expect it. They're like I'll never understand why men refer to their cars as 'she'. So now it is definitely the fuel pump?
When I had a very large kitchen, the centre point was the table - I love kitchens with tables - informal suppers with friends, children's teas, chat over a cup of tea/glass of wine/mug of coffee, a friend chatting whilst you're cooking.........
Being on a budget is somewhat new for me..but I'm getting the hang of it. I'm planning on buying some herbs when I next get paid. I miss my garden but a few pots around the place will certainly brighten my spirits.
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