September is only two-thirds gone and the weather site says to expect up to two inches of snow tonight. Usually our first measurable snow does not arrive until Halloween. The ski areas do not begin to blow snow traditionally until the 30th of October. It just won't stick any earlier than that, and some years not then. The three cords of wood I have ordered for the wood stove is being delivered the last of October.
So what happened to Indian Summer? You know that delightful time of the year where we all get to finish up our list of to do's before winter. This year we have had rain. Mind you rain is nice but it does not allow you to do those outside tasks that need done before the snow flies. I have re-channeled my energy (after recovering from the either very late summer cold or very early winter cold) into organizing the interior of my living space.
I was tackling the clothing exchange yesterday (summer clothes to top shelves, winter clothes out to be handy, etc) and noticed that I had not quite got the winter stuff stored this spring. Nor had I worn half of my summer stuff this summer. Just has not been warm enough for shorts even mid day. The economy is not going to allow for a winter escape to the beach so some of the summer clothes went into the Thrift Shop bags. I'll deal with new if and when I can afford a cruise.
I was remembering that during the studio construction I was reduced to living in the two upstairs rooms. The sewing room/guest room got put in order at last but my bedroom (in the midst of redecorating when the carpenter fell through the living room ceiling) is still in some havoc. So my task this week is to finally reclaim that space beginning with the clothes and moving to the furniture and boxes shoved in there.
And for the first week in October I am planning a studio sale. Going to drastically mark down all my unframed work and many of my traditional watercolors I did and framed. I need wall space before winter closes me in.
"Give me elbow room," cried Daniel Boone.
So what are your winter tasks? And how long do you think we have before bad weather?
I am still hoping for an Indian Summer here in the ozarks. we have enough wood now for the winter-we probably split over 6 cords so far-we are clearing land for another food plot for the deer and turkey, so we will still be cutting and splitting-but hopefully get ahead a year on wood-that would be really nice for us. Our home here is still so incomplete, including my rock shower project-finally have more rocks in-so next really rainy stretch of days will be back on that project-so wanted the bathroom done this year-
Hi Jacqui...it's spring here at the moment, though we're still having cold, wintery, rainy weather. I'm looking forward to the hot, dry summer. A few weeks ago I made up a spring cleaning job list, and have been tackling a job or 2 each week. I hope to get some work done tomoro, my last day off, as the last 3 days I've done nothing, only washing!!!
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