I think this image which I used on my Monday Morning Chat over Coffee is one that most represents to me Y!360 and its closing days.
It has been more than a week since I even visited and I went back this morning to do more research on the studio progress I wanted to transfer to this blog to be sure that I had it for any court action that will take place. Hopefully that is more doubtful now, but always nice to be prepared. In the process I have discovered other little gems like my first poems posted for the world to read. Below is a blog with a poem I thought was significant about the space for expression blogs provide.
I am obviously in the mood to write lately. I did a 2 1/2 page opus letter to the shyster, a new episode on write around the world, a new political blog on Blogger, a blog here about everything including the kitchen sink and last night wrote two poems for Poetry Wednesday. And I still want to jabber in black and white, on one surface or the other. So if you are bored just click to another blog.
My kingdom for a pen
Bound books with pages of paper
Some lined
Some open for all concepts
Empty pages to fill with pens and pencils
Words written with pens
Sketches drawn with pencils
Books in the making
Journals of journeys
Trips through canyons real
And of my mind
New Pens
Sharpened pencils
cold pressed paper
Smooth or textured
I love paper
And pens
And the words they write
(c) Jacqui Binford-Bell 2008
Bound books with pages of paper
Some lined
Some open for all concepts
Empty pages to fill with pens and pencils
Words written with pens
Sketches drawn with pencils
Books in the making
Journals of journeys
Trips through canyons real
And of my mind
New Pens
Sharpened pencils
cold pressed paper
Smooth or textured
I love paper
And pens
And the words they write
(c) Jacqui Binford-Bell 2008
Bear with me here folks. I am sure this mood will pass. And I will go days without a thought in my head but drawing up the detail plans for my tile floor. But it is probably the mindless activities in my life these days - the window cleaning, the screwing down of hardibacker, the removal of blue tape and black plastic - that are allowing me too much time to think.
What Chop Wood/Carry Water type of activities are Zen like to you and clear your mind for new and remarkable thinking?
I don't think everything I posted on Y!360 was earth shattering or even notable but it covered a very significant part of my life. I was realizing a ten year dream by building my studio at long last, fighting a lawsuit by the contractor that I employed to do that, shifting over from making masks to painting and finding my muse in that creative avenue, and rediscovering the joy of writing even if it was just for me (though obviously I did develop my faithful readers).
Everyone on Y!360 is posting farewell blogs. I read a couple when I was there and had to fight back tears. It was a special group, a special place and something magical happened if even for a brief time.
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